Current Students/Policy and Procedures

Curriculum Type: College Preparatory Institution  
Accreditation and Staffing: Accredited by the Southern Association of Schools, the Augustinian Education Committee, and the state of Texas. 40% of our faculty is Augustinian Friars. All faculty have at least a master’s degree and a teaching certification. Nonreligious faculty have undergone an extensive assimilation process done by the friars. This process includes classes on Augustinian History and the Characteristics of an Augustinian education. There is a 15:1 student to teacher ratio.
Admissions Policies: All incoming freshman must take the HSPT. Students receiving a 90% or higher on the HSPT are automatically accepted. All remaining students will be reviewed holistically.
Graduation Requirements: There are three graduation plans with different requirements. The Advanced Plan requires 28 credits and a minimum GPA of 3.0. The Advanced with Distinction Plan requires 30 credits, 3 AP credits, and a minimum GPA of 3.2. The Advanced Augustinian Plan require 32 credits, 4 AP classes, and a minimum GPA of 3.2.  Yearly service hours are required for graduation.
Sample Four Year Plan: 

                Freshman Year: Biology, Algebra I, English I, Introduction to Catholicism/History of Augustinians, World Geography, Foreign Language I, Skills
                Sophomore Year:  Chemistry, Geometry, English II, Bible Studies, World History, Foreign Language II, Elective
                Junior Year: Physics, Algebra II, English III, Morality, Ethics, and Catholic Social Teaching, US History, Foreign Language III, Elective
                Senior Year: Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics, English IV, World Religions, Economics, Elective, Elective

Biology Pre-AP
Chemistry Pre-AP
Physics Pre-AP
Physics AP
Chemistry AP
Biology AP
Anatomy & Physiology
List of Some Courses:

Introduction to Catholicism/Augustinian History
Bible Studies
Morality, Ethics, and Catholic Social Teaching
World Religions

World Geography
World Geography Honors
World History
World History AP
US History
US History AP
Economics and Government
US Government AP
Micro/Macro Economics AP

Foreign Language
Latin I Honors
Spanish I
French I
Latin II Honors
Spanish II
French II
Latin III Pre-AP
Spanish III Pre-AP
French III Pre-AP
Latin AP
Spanish AP
French AP


Electives  and Other
Ecology Honors
10-12 Summer
Speech and Debate
European History AP
11-12 Summer
Psychology AP
10-12 Summer
9 (All Freshman must take Skills)
Advanced Art
Studio Art AP
Advanced Falconry Honors
Extreme Survival Skills
11-12 Summer
Physical Education
Student Government
9-12 (Only if elected into Student Government)
Educational Philosophy and Teaching Assistant
12    Summer and Senior Year (Designed for aspiring teachers)

It is highly recommended that every incoming freshman take World Geography in the summer.

             If an incoming freshman takes World Geography in the summer, the student will be given a choice of an elective.  If a freshman wants to be on the speech and debate team, World Geography must be taken in summer school to allow for the speech and debate elective as a freshman. This applies to Student Government and Falconry as well.

Attendance Policy

  • Attending school on a daily basis is of utmost importance for maintaining a good academic grade and standing.
  • Students have the responsibility to be present for school

Unexcused Absences
  •  An absence is unexcused if the reason for being absent is not discussed with the school administration
  •  Medical reasons are acceptable reason, yet any other reasons that are acceptable are up to the sole discretion of Saint Augustine High School
  •  Students are then not excused from missing work and receive 0’s on any schoolwork that is not completed
Excused Absences

  •  Students with serious reasons are excused from school once it is discussed with the administration
  •  Students have 2 days to turn in work after being absent
  •  Students living on campus may call in or meet with the administration to discuss their reason(s) for being absent
  •  Saint Augustine High School offers on campus housing for students. Though this may be the case, some students also live off campus.
  •  At no time during the school day are students allowed to leave campus for any reason, excluding medical or special reasons.
  •  Departure from campus must be brought up to any staff member and discussed with the Dean of Student Development.
  •  Being absent from school without the authorization of the school is not permitted
  •  Disciplinary actions will be taken for any student who commits truant actions
  •  Such actions are at the sole discretion of Saint Augustine High School
Tardiness to School
  •  Arriving to School on time in the morning before class is expected for all students
  •  A student is considered tardy to school if he is late to his/her first period class
  •  Tardiness to school is not excusable for students that live on campus
 Consequences for Tardiness to School
 1st Offense: Warning from teacher
 2nd Offense: Meeting with teacher
 3rd Offense: Meeting with Principal of Student Development
 4th Offense: Detention
 5th Offense: Detention
 6th Offense: Detention
 7th Offense: Consequences are left to the discretion of the school

Tardiness to Class
  • Students are given 10 minutes between classes to get to their next class
  • Students are considered tardy to class after 5 minutes of teacher instruction in their next period class
  • It is up to the discretion of the teacher to accept the student into the classroom if he/she is late.
  • 5 tardies  to class equals 1 offense of being tardy to school

Glossary and Definitions

Academic Probation
If a student is failing two or more classes, he or she may not participate in any extracurricular activities until all passes are passing. The student must also sit down with an academic counselor to discuss ways to prevent failure and improve study techniques. Membership may also be invoked if involved in Student Government or National Honor Society. The Falconry team will put the student on probation from the sport if the student’s average drops below 80.

Students having a driver’s license may drive to school if they do not board at Saint Augustine. A $25 charge will occur if the student has not registered the vehicle in the main office. Parking for students is on the second and third levels of the garage. The first level is for faculty, staff, and guests.

Book Bags
Students may use backpacks and satchels. They may not drag backpacks throughout campus. If the student is dragging two backpacks, then the student may suffer immediate expulsion. This is at the discretion of the Administration.

Students are encouraged to use electronics for learning and betterment of the education received at Saint Augustine. Students may carry cellular telephones with them. They may also have laptops and tablets. Videogames are allowed after school hours. Students must use all electronics appropriately. If used inappropriately, the electronic will be confiscated and smashed.

Exam Exemptions
All students who have attended 90% of class days and have a 93 or above, or a 90 or above in honors classes, are eligible for semester exam exceptions. It is at the discretion of the teacher which students are exempt.

Fundraising is an option for any Saint Augustine organization. All ideas must go through the president.

Lockers are located at the base of the Falconry Tower within the student center. Lockers are not mandatory and are assigned upon request by the student. Some students do not need a locker; therefore lockers are available upon request. Students will be given a lock to use once assigned a locker.

Posters are encouraged to display information and promote events and school spirit. Posters should be approved by Administration or faculty representative of a club or organization. Posters should be taken down once they become irrelevant.

Teacher Respect
All students ought to show respect for their teachers. If they do not they will immediately be sent to the Administration and counselors. Friar Charlemagne wanted us all to be friends. If disrespect is present, especially among the educators and the educated, then there is a serious issue that must be consulted.

Water Bottles
All students are permitted to drink water. To do this water bottles are allowed, but only reuseable.

Billing Procedures

  • Billing is mailed before the student enters school at the beginning of the school year.
  • This bill is usually mailed by the beginning of June the summer before school
  • Any debts in  PAST tuition must be paid in full before the student can enter school in the fall or attend summer school

    Tuition can be paid:
In full at the beginning of the year
By semester, twice a year
Monthly or quarterly
Payment method must be specified to the school business office before every payment
  • If a bill is overpaid, the amount will be kept by the school and be put towards the student’s next bill and will be noted on the next bill
  • Scholarships or financial aid must be added into the bill  and be brought to the attention of the business office
  • When sending in any billing information, the student’s school ID number must be enclosed so that the school can properly bill the student
  • A verification phone call will be sent to confirm a correct payment

Expectations for parents
St. Augustine school values the pursuit of knowledge and encourages all of its students to pursue what they are passionate in. Because of this, parents are expected to support their children in every area of academics and athletics that they are interested in. As Friar Charlemagne said, “High School is the time that young people find themselves and develop their own beliefs as a person.” Parents should encourage their children to follow their passions.
Vital Policies
1.      Controlled Substances
a.       All illegal substances are prohibited on the grounds of St. Augustine High School
b.      Anyone caught with any kind of illegal substance will be subject to an immediate investigation and expulsion upon being found guilty.
2.      Student Interaction
a.       Students are prohibited from engaging in any form of sexual activity, especially fornication, on campus.
b.      Any students caught will be subject to counseling and, if caught again, expulsion.
3.      Harassment
a.       There is no toleration for any form of bullying at all at St. Augustine High School.
                                                              i.      A first offense bully will go through counseling and detention.
                                                            ii.      The second offense means immediate suspension.
                                                          iii.      A third offense will lead to expulsion.
4.      Internet Use
a.       Students are not allowed to search anything pornographic or illegal on school computers.
                                                              i.      A first offense will lead to a student’s restriction from all computers on school and spiritual counseling. (Transportation to the public library will be provided)
                                                            ii.      A second offense will lead to immediate suspension.
                                                          iii.      A third offense leads to immediate expulsion.
5.      Sportsmanship
a.       All students of St. Augustine High School are expected to behave as Christian athletes. Good sportsmanship is a strong value of all faculty, students, and administration at the school.
6.      Gambling
a.       All gambling for money is prohibited on campus. Students are allowed to play any games of chance as long as money is not involved.
7.      Video Gaming (What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning and Literacy, James Paul Gee)
a.       Because St. Augustine is a boarding school that encourages all forms of learning, video games are allowed after school hours for all students who have them.